Take the classroom into Verket - or vice versa!
A school visit to Verket can be different from time to time, and create different impressions and memories. You can book a view of the work and the historical part, or of the current exhibition that is going on.

The empathy environment - Verket!
Among blast furnaces and martinverk, school classes are offered guided tours where, with presence and technical magic, we follow the iron's path from ore to steel.

Creative learning
The Corneliussalen offers ready-made learning environments, which have been built in the work to be a hub of the pedagogical development of the municipality, where one wants to benefit from Verkets inspiring environment for developing students' learning. The purpose is to put their creative ability in the foreground and to awaken the desire to learn.

Other exhibitions and Avesta Art
Adapted guided tour through the artistic landscape integrated into Verket. Here are different expressions and both Swedish and international exciting artists.

Prices Verket / Avesta Art
For guided tours:

Avesta Art är kostnadsfritt för Dalarnas skolelever övriga skolor 20 kr/elev.

Food in Verket
You can bring your own food bag and you can benefit from it

eat in our cafe section.

Tomas Nordberg Ett stycke tid foto: Sussie Carlzon
optiktivoli Verket Avesta

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