Opening hours Avesta Art 2024

May 18th - September 22nd.

11 AM - 5 PM every day except Midsummer's Eve (closed)

11.30 dagliga konstguidningar.

13.30 Lördagar industriguidningar.



Would you and your group visit us and have a guided tour of the industrial environment or the art at Verket? Contact us by phone at 0226-64 51 62 or by email


Entrance prices during the Avesta Art season May-September.

  • Adult from 20 years 140:-
  • Student and pensioner 95:-
  • Children and adolescens up to 19 years Free admission

    Children up to 15 years only in the company of an adult

  • Season card, adult 300:-
  • Season card, student and pensioner 200:-
  • Group of at least 10 people. Applies only to booked groups that also book a guide 75:-/ per person
  • Guided tour, drop in Admission + SEK 40

    Max 25 people/guided tour

  • Guided tour, booking Admission + SEK 900

    Booked viewing with your own guide and a group of max 25 people. For larger groups shared in several groups at the same time entrance fee + SEK 900 for the first guide and SEK 700 per other guide.

  • Cultural heritage card Half the price of admission
  • Personal assistent Free admission
  • Member of ICOM Free admission
  • Museum employees Free admission
  • Journalist Free admission
  • Day pass Verket & Visentparken, adult 170:-
  • Day passes, children and adolescens up to and including 19 years Free admission

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