Would you and your group like to visit us and get a tour of the industrial environment or the art at Verket? Contact us by phone at 0226-64 51 62 or by email verket@avesta.se
Entrance prices during the Avesta Art season May-September.
Adult from 20 years 140:-
Student and pensioner 95:-
Children and adolescens up to 19 years Free admission
Children up to 15 years only in the company of an adult
Season card, adult 300:-
Season card, student and pensioner 200:-
Group of at least 10 people. Applies only to booked groups that also book a guide 75:-/ per person
Guided tour, drop in Admission + SEK 40
Max 25 people/guided tour
Guided tour, booking Admission + SEK 900
Booked viewing with your own guide and a group of max 25 people. For larger groups shared in several groups at the same time entrance fee + SEK 900 for the first guide and SEK 700 per other guide.
Cultural heritage card Half the price of admission
Personal assistent Free admission
Member of ICOM Free admission
Museum employees Free admission
Journalist Free admission
Day pass Verket & Visentparken, adult 170:-
Day passes, children and adolescens up to and including 19 years Free admission